Merchant Credit Card Processor: and Shopping Cart Systems

A credit card merchant account processor, or much simpler a merchant credit card processor is a small piece of software or script which makes online merchant credit card processor payment transactions possible for any eCommerce merchant. A merchant credit card processor works just like a stationery credit card processor in an online store, except that no physical presence of the credit card is needed. Such merchant credit card processor transactions are called CNP merchant credit card processor transactions.

CNP stands for Card Not Present and GSPay makes such merchant credit card processor
transactions possible for any eCommerce merchant. GSPay’s merchant credit
card processor solutions are suitable for any eCommerce merchant.

GSPay makes it possible to painlessly incorporate a merchant credit card processor
into any existing shopping cart system and into any existing website. If have
no shopping cart system you will be able to get one for free or buy one, depending
on the type of product features you are looking for. A shopping cart system
generates checkout pages and keeps a database of credit card holding customers.
After getting a shopping cart script you will find it easy to integrate it into
GSPay’s merchant credit card processor because of the easy code and simple
step-by-step instructions. A detailed review of GSPay’s Merchant Credit
Card Processor + Shopping Cart System in’s Articles Section.

When a customer chooses a product or service he likes, he will be taken by
the shopping cart script to a checkout form, where all his details will be asked
(personal and credit card information). After that it’s up to GSPay’s
merchant credit card processor to transfer the sum of money from the credit
card to the processing bank. The processing bank will then automatically transfer
the money to the eCommerce merchant, owner of one of GSPay’s merchant
credit card processor solutions, bank account.

After application
will review your profile and help you in choosing the best merchant credit card
processor type for you.

Industry type Rates Industry type Rates
E-commerce from 2.8% Nutra/Herbals from 4%
Adult from 4% Regulated Forex from 5.5%
File sharing systems from 4% Dating from 4%
Crypto from 4% Licensed Gambling from 4%
Downloads from 7% Replica from 8%
Travel from 4% Pharmacy from 8%
CBD from 7% Kratom from 7%
Find out your rates for your site.

Fill the bellow form and we will get back to you with decision. Free signup, no setup fees, offshore merchant account.
