Merchant Accounts for Small Businesses Online

If you want to run a successful online retail business you are about to make a very smart decision. Global trade keeps progressing, and having established own e-commerce or retail site you access a global market with millions of customers in it.

As an Internet marketer and retailer you already know or at least should know how important it is to offer customers credit card payment options. Just look around – the most well known and profitable companies have credit card payments among possible payment options. Sure, there exist different e-currencies, but most people prefer using good old credit and debit cards. Indeed, it is very convenient both for the seller and customers. Processing of checks takes time, often a week or even more. The purchased product is not released until payment is received.

If you want to be able to accept credit card payments you need an online merchant account, which is a virtual payment gateway. Online retail merchant accounts can be easily compared with merchant accounts in stores and supermarkets, although online merchant account does not imply physical presence of the card and cardholder. Listed below are a few tips for online retailers and marketers looking for a reliable and effective merchant account provider:

  • You need to search for merchant account providers with experience in this area. Online businesses have the same problems and concerns as compared to offline undertakings. Lack of merchant account stability or any other problems with your merchant account may result in massive losses. Besides, seasoned merchant account providers will certainly help you choose the best option as per your needs, preferences and budget by referring to their experience and history of customer relations. For example, if a merchant account provider deals mostly with pharmaceuticals sellers or replica products retailers, it can recommend companies operating in these markets the most suitable and affordable options and plans. This will make your business even more profitable.
  • Tech support is everything in merchant account business. You may have already dealt with support services of hosting companies, and so you know how it feels when your web site is down. The same concerns merchant accounts. If you are unable to receive payments due to tech problems, you should be able to contact support as soon as possible. Losing profits and customers is the worst thing that can happen to an online retail business. Make sure the selected merchant account provider has excellent support staff. Also, look for reviews and feedback online.
  • You should clearly understand difference between real time/online processing and delayed processing. Real time payment processing implies 100% automatic processing of credit card payments and requires no actions on behalf of business owner/manager. Delayed processing gathers information on payments and managers then need to manually enter all payment details into the system at the end of the day or any other period of time. Thus, if you have large sales volumes, real time processing is just for you. Small online retailers may choose delayed processing option since they are less expensive. However, they have restrictions as to number of daily payments.
  • Make sure you look for merchant account providers that deal with small businesses and online retailers. Such providers know needs and preferences of small business owners and you will be certainly offered suitable and affordable merchant accounts.
Industry type Rates Industry type Rates
E-commerce from 2.8% Nutra/Herbals from 4%
Adult from 4% Regulated Forex from 5.5%
File sharing systems from 4% Dating from 4%
Crypto from 4% Licensed Gambling from 4%
Downloads from 7% Replica from 8%
Travel from 4% Pharmacy from 8%
CBD from 7% Kratom from 7%
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