Credit Card Payment Gateway: Gateway Security and Fees

Gateway Security and Fees

If you’re using credit card online payment gateway services than you
must already know about gateway fees, but what about gateway security? We’ll
pass on to credit card payment gateway security as soon as those who do not
yet own a credit card payment gateway get acquainted with credit card payment
gateway fees.

The number of different credit card payment gateway fees varies from one credit
card payment gateway provider to another. But usually there are:

  • One-time sign-up fee
  • Membership or Monthly fee
  • Transaction or Commission fee

A sign-up fee is paid to register as a merchant and be recognized by the credit
card payment gateway. A membership fee is a monthly ’rent’ for the
use of the credit card payment gateway. A transaction fee is a certain amount
of money charged for processing a transaction; it may be a flat fee or a percentage
of the transaction.

Credit card payment gateways usually have some guidelines too ’ limits,
minimums, and so on. Some common guidelines are:

  • Monthly minimum rates
  • Charge back limits

A monthly minimum is a certain amount of money that has to be processed by
the credit card payment gateway. You must be sure that your business will be
able to cover this minimum in order to keep on using a credit card payment gateway.
A charge back limit is a maximum amount of charge backs allowed.

Now on to credit card payment gateway security issues. Credit card payment
gateway services are very secure. Credit card payment gateway processing uses
SSL-encryption technology, which is one of the most effective, powerful encryption
and security technologies. SSL stands for Secure Socket Layer. This technology
uses a two-stage encryption and decryption system. SSL uses certificates as
keys. Credit card and transaction details are passed from a secure online form
to a credit card payment gateway and then to a bank, and at all stages the information
is encrypted. This prevents spoofing or theft of information, modification,
and so on.

When using credit card payment gateway services you can be 100% sure that your
customers’ personal and credit card information is kept private at any
transaction stage. There is no need to risk ’ always choose trusted credit
card payment gateway service providers. Don’t be fooled by low fees (which
are usually compensated by hidden or extra fees). Security one of the main issues
when choosing a credit card payment gateway service provider. The cheapest credit
card payment gateway account is not necessarily the best credit card payment
gateway service for your business. But certainly credit card payment gateway
processing is the best method of payment for an online business.

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File sharing systems from 4% Dating from 4%
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