URL: provides affordable Credit Card Merchant Account Programs. offers direct service without third parties.


If you want to sell products from your Web site, you have to provide your customers a safe and secure way to pay you. You need Payment gateway to securely pass your customers’ credit card information to a processing center for verification. offers merchants its own payment gateway SecurePay.

This feature is really great, because some competitors resell a third-party gateway, and charge clients a per transaction fee for its use. It also means that you don’t have to call another company if you need support.

SecurePay payment gateway solution costs only $15 per month when combined with merchant account programs.


CardAccept offers its clients a very similar and comfortable SecurePay Web Terminal. With this service you won’t need other alternatives, such as credit card terminals or software, that cost hundreds of dollars and still require installation.

The CardAccept & SecurePay Web Terminal has following benefits:

  • NO start-up costs.
  • NO per transaction fees.
  • NO installation or configuration.
  • It can be accessed through a Web browser from any computer that has Internet connection.
  • Feature administrative access to receive reports of past sales.
  • Monthly recurring billing is also available.

To use the CardAccept & SecurePay Web Terminal merchant must simply log onto, input customer’s credit card information, click the process button and the funds are deposited into merchant’s business checking account within 48 hours.


CardAccept charges NO additional fees for transactions or for AVS on merchant accounts.

Fee schedule of CardAccept is the following:

Merchant Account Application Fee $ 0
Set up Fee $ 0
Monthly Web Terminal Fee $10 (with NO gateway transaction fee)
AVS Fee $ 0
Gateway Transaction Fee $ 0
Web Shopping Cart $ 0
Programming Fee $ 0
Shipping and Handling $ 0
American Express Set up Fee $ 0
Average Approval Time 3 - 5 Business Days
Customer Service Hours 24/7
Credit Restrictions Less Strict
Internet / Mail / Phone Order Discount Rate 2.24%
Internet / Mail / Phone Order Transaction Fee $ 0.25 cents per transaction
Retail Discount Rate (face-to-face sales) 1.79%
Retail Transaction Fee (face-to-face sales) $ 0.25 cents per transaction
Statement/Customer Service Fee $ 8 per month
Monthly Internet Processing Gateway Fee $15 (with NO gateway transaction fee)

Industry type Rates Industry type Rates
E-commerce from 2.8% Nutra/Herbals from 4%
Adult from 4% Regulated Forex from 5.5%
File sharing systems from 4% Dating from 4%
Crypto from 4% Licensed Gambling from 4%
Downloads from 7% Replica from 8%
Travel from 4% Pharmacy from 8%
CBD from 7% Kratom from 7%
Find out your rates for your site.

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